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Our Team

Board President


Janel Greig


Janel resides in the Pacific Northwest with her family where they enjoy hiking in the beautiful mountains of the region or escaping the city for the calm of the Pacific Ocean. 
As a parent, Janel recognizes the importance of nurturing a passion for God's Word and truths in her own heart so it can be passed on to her children.  
As president of the Board, Janel has a passion to equip parents so that they can in turn, be a disciple for their children and stand up for God’s truth with carefully thought out answers. 
She enjoys speaking to parents about apologetics as a tool for discipling their children with a confident faith and is a graduate of the Cross Examined Instructor Academy. 



Dennis Hess

director of 
chapter establishment

Dennis lives with his wife in the great state of Ohio and enjoys woodcarving and apologetics.
His passion for equipping the next generation is fully embraced through his 5 children, 9 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. After spending time working with college aged students at a local university, Dennis recognized the need to start equipping children early with grounded beliefs.

Dennis is passionate about sharing GAP with others and growing the ministry through his role of Director of Chapter Establishment where he oversees and supports Parent Ambassadors as they roll out GAP chapters around the world. 


Erin Mensinga

parent ambassador

Erin and her husband reside in Ontario, Canada with their three children. 

With a background in education and experience as a teacher and small group leader, Erin is well equipped to serve as our PA Director.  As PA Director, she supports Parent Ambassadors in the beginning of their journey with GAP. 

She has a passion for encouraging parents to grow and learn how to defend their faith so that they may equip their children with a confident faith.   
Erin enjoys baking, hiking, kayaking, downhill skiing and being outside exploring God’s beautiful creation with her family.

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Tyson James

director of
Chapter Growth

Tyson has a passion for helping apologists around the world share information with their local communities. His analytical mind and vision for global impact, coupled with his experience as the Global Chapters Director & Director of Translations/Transcriptions for Reasonable Faith equips him well to serve as Director of Chapter Growth for GAP.

Tyson has a deep appreciation for the value of apologetics as it was key to solidifying his own faith and has directly impacted his own family. 

Tyson and his wife reside in the state of Nevada where they homeschool their daughter.

His hobbies include tennis, metaphysics and buying books that he’ll never read.

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Natasha Crain


Natasha is a speaker, blogger, author, and podcaster with a passion for equipping parents to raise kids with confident faith in a secular world.

She has an MBA from UCLA and a certificate in Christian apologetics from Biola University.

Natasha homeschools her three kids and lives in southern California.

She loves reading (non-fiction only!), camping, and mountains.


Meg Smiley

Social Media

Meg and her husband live in Iowa with their dog, Enzo. She enjoys painting, reading, art, and apologetics.

Meg’s passion for apologetics started when she was diagnosed with an incurable chronic illness and began to personally wrestle with the problem of evil and suffering. Her truth-seeking journey not only strengthened her own faith, but increased her joy and purpose in Christ in the midst of trials.

Meg is now passionate about sharing the “reason for the hope that is in us” (1 Peter 3:15) to younger generations who are struggling through doubt and confusion.

She is incredibly grateful to help spread the news about GAP through social media, so that parents and their kids can be equipped to defend the life-giving truth of the gospel.

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David Wolcott

director of 
chapter Development

David is a Christian apologist developing Sudoku Apologetics and specializes in responding to the claims of Progressive Christianity.
A C17 Colson Fellow, David works with a number of ministries including GAP and Women in Apologetics, has debated two Progressive Christian leaders (available on YouTube), and enjoys reading (especially through Logos Bible software), learning languages, and building spreadsheets.

David supports GAP chapters that are in their second season and beyond through equipping Parent Ambassadors with resources and training.  

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Patti Trotti

director of 
Online Chapters

Patti and her husband live in north-central Indiana with their two miniature schnauzers. They have six grown children and 15 growing grandchildren.

Patti is passionate about encouraging biblical literacy and equipping believers to defend historical Christianity against false teaching and competing worldviews.

As Director of Online Chapters for GAP, Patti desires to ignite a passion for apologetics in others across the U.S. and around the world. She is a dedicated lifelong learner and holds a Certificate of Christian Apologetics from Southern Evangelical Seminary and is the

co-founder of Girl Talk Apologetics, an online apologetics book discussion group for women. 

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